Bernd Hildebrandt

Bernd Hildebrandt


Bernd Hildebrandt is an exhibit designer, artist and poet who has produced multi-media text and image works for solo installations, group art exhibitions and museum exhibits. Notable projects include: “Sediments”, a solo and group exhibit most recently shown for “Renaissance”, 2010 at Enterprise Square Gallery, Edmonton, Canada, 2010; “Edgar Degas: Figures in Motion”, Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton, 2010; “Dressed To Rule: 18th Century Court Attire from the Mactaggart Art Collection”, Telus Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton; and “Perceptions of Promise”, shown in Calgary, New York City, Hamilton, Ontario, and most recently at the Enterprise Square Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta, 2012.


Themed Panel


Intimate Collaborations: Expanding Dialogues
Print artists are extremely well positioned and have unique opportunities to engage in various types of intimate collaborations that allow a deeper understanding of and empathy for ‘the other’. Working alongside fellow printmakers in community studios sharing ideas and materials, sometimes having works printed by master printers or at times, printing works for others, are common experiences for the print-artist and prepare one for working on truly collaborative projects. This panel will focus on a number of expanded dialogues about collaborative projects involving a number of artists from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. The participants include Sean Caulfield, Bernd Hildebrandt and Liz Ingram, Daniela Schlueter, and Marc Siegner, a group of artists that have worked together for many years. These panelists are recently engaging in projects that involve substantial collaboration outside the discipline of traditional printmaking. These cross-disciplinary projects range from explorations that involve science, dance, sculpture and installation, poetry and social science. In each case, these artists worked jointly with collaborators who are specialized in other disciplines on new intellectual journeys, to explore new territories and produce works that extend beyond traditional printmaking boundaries. Outcomes include interactive installations, mixed media works, performance works, video documentary and sculptures, which have been interpreted and developed through a printmakers mind and methodology. 


In this panel, Sean Caulfield will introduce a project involving his collaborations with a number of visual artists and a dance company in Montreal, Liz Ingram and Bernd Hildebrandt will elaborate on their shared life and its relationship to their collaborative productions in installation, poetry, and print, Daniela Schlueter will discuss her collaboration with a Stem Cell scientist and the resulting art works, and Marc Siegner will elaborate on his ongoing investigations in China and the resulting collaborations with people from various walks of life. These short introductory presentations will act as examples to stimulate discussion about how collaborations across specializations can expand boundaries and encourage deeper and wider exploration.